Saturday, February 9, 2013

Chipotle Breakfast Torta

So, it's the weekend... You're feeling free, hungry, and maybe a little spicy. Well, here's a torta that will fuel your weekend activities, make you feel manly, make your cardiologist mad, and cure that itch you've been having for some good Mexican food. Don't be afraid of chipotle peppers, they just want to be your mild, relaxed friend.

It's great for the weekends. It's brunch without the doilies. It's not health food. It's pretty manly, but not discriminatory. The great thing about it, is with a cup of coffee, you've got all your main food groups: Coffee, Dairy, Eggs, Vegetables, Meat, Breads, Fats.

The recipe follows.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Hiking: Tarbell Trail IV

Had a chance to chase the low snow again yesterday and it was great! This time, I drove to a trail head nearby Rock Creek Campground. This trail head is just south of the campground on the map. It begins at the intersection of L-1000 and a yellow-gated logging road. The roads leading up to it coming from Washougal (L-1000 straight up) is about 1/3rd paved road and 2/3rds gravel road -- all of which is void of warning signs and the speed limit is a measly 25 -- so keep that in mind.

Near the top of Larch Mountain (maybe?)

For more pictures and the rest of the story, click below: