Hello! Welcome to TeNaScLu, "ten-asc-loo".
My name is Jeff Anderson. I am a chemist and someone who is interested in a lot of different things, like most of us. I've recently moved near Portland, Oregon for my new job, and I've found myself doing a lot of new, adventurous, interesting things. I take a lot of pictures and some videos and thought I'd share them with the world, assuming anyone wants to see them.
On our journey, I will generally post about thing I've made or am making with wood (or other materials). These projects generally come to me out of curiosity or necessity -- like, "I wonder if I could make that better [or cheaper]." I have amassed quite a workshop through inheritance and random purchases which have slowly stolen all the space in my garage from my car. I think it's been worth it for my creations, though.
Technology and Science news are things I follow pretty closely. As a chemist, I am particularly immersed in biochemistry, life science, microbiology, and the technology associated with both science and our everyday lives in the 21st century. I am currently learning to program, so that is a large part of what I'll be thinking about, but I plan to have some diy projects to post and maybe even some scientific experiments, but surely some links to science and technology stuff.
I am also an avid hiker. I've really discovered a lot about the area I live by exploring the lands that are sanctioned from development and put to use as recreation areas. I think Washington State has an amazing Parks Department, that is pretty darn self-sufficient, using paid placards to pay for most of their expenses. I believe in this method, but the Washington Trails Association and their volunteers, donors and employees also have an amazing thing going as well. Between these two agencies, Washington State has so many hiking and recreation areas that I will have a hard time visiting all of them, if I even try.
As you may have noticed, I also have a lot of cats. They're a huge inspiration for a lot of my projects and you'll definitely catch them in a lot of photos at home, checking out my projects or just portraits of them being cute. Hopefully you can handle that.
Anyway, I hope this has given you a little glimpse into who I am and what I've created, what I will create and what I might create on this blog.
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